Sunday, June 19, 2011

The never ending week

Matt and I had a lot of things happen in the past two weeks. Most of you know that we came home from work on Tuesday, June 7th to find a foot of water running/filling up under our house.  The last day of school for me really ended with a bang :( We spent that evening at the house watching a company pump hundreds of gallons of water out from under our house. After all of the water was out, we were able to get the plumber in the next day to access the damage. We got news that we were not wanting to here. The main water line that runs to the house had a huge whole in it. This means a major project at the house. Matt and I are wanting to sell this house in the next year; putting more money into it is not what we want to do at this point. But, we have no choice. 

This is what the inside of the main water line looked like. The water that we used everyday was running through this nasty-ness.  It's nice to know that we now have nice clean pipes. Whoever buys this house from us will be in good shape! 

Rescue Rooter gets started on our little project. The beauty of having an old home is knowing that once one thing goes wrong, there is a good possibility that something else will go wrong as well. Replacing the main water line also means that we will have to have our hot water heater replaced as well. The one we had in the house was 20 years old and grandfathered in when Matt bought the house. This basically means that it will not pass city inspection with the new plumbing we were having put in. Yippeee... a new hot water heater. 

On Saturday, while all of the madness is continuing at the house, Matt and I notice that the temperature in the house keeps rising. It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon and our thermostat is reading 82 degrees. The ONLY thing that has not been replaced (by us) in this house is the air conditioner. Could this be possible... the air conditioner is going out??? We get a company out within a couple of hours to see what the problem is. Luckily, we don't have to replace the whole thing. The technician replaced a part and was on his way. A small victory, but Matt and I will take it at this point. 

It's now the next Tuesday. The nightmare is finally coming to an end. But, as you guys can probably imagine Matt and I are ready for some good news to come our way.  Throughout the week we kept telling each other that it could have been worse. Really it could have been, but we were still pretty beaten down with a week of no running water and workers in and out of our house. 

We have an appointment to see the specialist on Thursday, June 16th.  An update on our little peanut is just the kind of pick-me-up Matt and I are needing. 

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