Wednesday, November 9, 2011

36 weeks

and 37 weeks. He has grown a bunch!
We had another sonogram on Monday. Doctor wanted to monitor Will closely until my blood work came back. Everything still looks great. Will is now weighing 6 lbs 11 oz!!!! 

Today I got a phone call from my nurse informing me that my blood work came back normal. My enzyme levels were within a normal limit. So, that means my rash isn't anything that I need to worry about. Sounds like PUPPS is what I have. I can deal with being (really) itchy as long as my baby boy isn't  affected. 

It won't be long now until our baby boy arrives. Matt and I can not even begin to express the excitement that we have. We completed the three baby classes that we signed up for: Lamaze, baby basics, and breast feeding. Happy to report that 2/3 classes were really good. Matt will be taking the car/car-seat up to a car seat safety check next week. We are doing our best to be as prepared as we possibly can be. Ha, that makes me laugh! Prepared, is that possible?

Whether we are fully prepared or not, I do know one thing.... Matt and I love our little guy more than I could possibly begin to explain.  A wonderful family of 3 we will be!